Get Involved!
The Planning Department encourages all people interested in the Draft Midtown Plan to review the draft plan on this webpage, share the plan with others, and comment on the plan using any of the following methods:
- Use the comment functions offered within the webpage plan so that staff can easily see which sections of the plan your comments refer to.
- Email
- Check back on this webpage or sign up for email updates.

The Planning Department used comments submitted in January and February 2019 to revise the Draft Midtown Regional Center Plan. The Planning Department will continue welcoming comments through the plan webpage, via email, and in person at the following events, throughout the plan adoption process previewed below.
- Comprehensive Plan Committee of City Council in March 2019.
- Planning Commission in May 2019.
- City Council in May and June 2019.
Upcoming events
Planning Commission Briefing
Cliff Morton Development And Business Services Center, 1901 South Alamo Street.
Planning Commission Hearing
Cliff Morton Development And Business Services Center, 1901 South Alamo Street.
City Council Hearing
City Council Chambers On The First Floor Of The Municipal Plaza Building, Located At 114 W. Commerce St.
View our entire events calendar
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The SA Tomorrow Plan
San Antonio is planning boldly to ensure our great City captures the type of growth and economic development that will lead our community into the future and provide benefits to all our residents. Visit this website to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan and what we’re doing to make San Antonio a diverse and thriving community.